There is always a fly in the ointment, right? Just part of life… well, my fly at the moment is my knee – i think it rebelled at the 12 hour (with a 5 hour layover) flight … I won’t bore you with the details just suffice it to say that it hurts and keeps getting swollen and bugs me.. (just because, right?!) … Anyways my little gang, Dela and Lisa said going to get it checked would be a good idea. (they don’t like watching me limp around) So my good friend, Christiane (who runs Village Exchange – but more about that later…) suggested an orthopedic doctor at the local hospital.
Oh and Christiane also invited us to stay at the volunteer house of Village Exchange ( a great place to Volunteer if anyone is interested – but more about that later) So Dela picked us up with his friend, Tour guide and Taxi driver (the Car is in the garage getting pampered – you know the usual – nails buffed, etc) and we transferred to the house…
And then trotted off to the hospital … Dr Friend (not his name so he won’t be inundated by silly, flighty Canadians) was so kind and saw me … He wanted me to come in and get MRIs and ‘efluvial’ (Clara??) extractions etc etc next Friday …. saw my holiday going down the drain … But gathered my wits enough to ask, “But do you think i could wait a month and do this when i get home?” “Oh yes, of course … no problem” RELIEF …. “ oh so you don’t think this is life threatening?” “No a baker’s cyst .. and a bit of fluid on the knee cap” Phew, I can live with that!!! Went off with a heart about 100 pounds lighter…. (Note to all my darling docs out there: you guys are miracle workers!)
…. thought i would end up there the whole day but a super nice doc took pity on me and pronounced that i would live :)
Finally we were able to go off to have our long awaited breakfast … where a lively discuss of religion embarked. I think i was meant to be a Ghanian … who shouts and gesticulates with arms flying and voice loud and passionate …. while having a friendly discussion with a good friend…
And next was our visit to Village Exchange’s new Office…. where we received a lovely welcome!! The new digs are looking good with lots of potential…
… adorable dresses made by Lady Volta, the organization of women who batik, sew and make jewelry that is part of Village Exchange.
… we are working out patterns for tableclothes and napkins to bring back! Lady Volta is a wonderful project for women that is part of Village Exchange.
…. another important and exciting part of Village Exchange are the classes they are giving on electricity and solar energy. In the image are solar panels made there to be used to charge cell phones… A good innovation for a country that as you know has a ‘few’ blackouts!
…. more youngsters … it is mid term so these youngster have time off so they come with their moms to work at Village Exchange! (Lisa’s photo)
… one of the youngsters at the creche which Village Exchange runs for the moms working there (Lisa’s photo)
Later that afternoon we headed home where Dela dropped us off with a nice cold beer and the promise to come and pick us up and take us for supper at his house ….. mmmmm, I love Martina’s cooking!! Can’t wait but will tell you about that tomorrow..
For now we are sitting on the porch blogging, drinking (well not ice cold beer but who is complaining?) in the utter peace and stillness of an African afternoon… Where are you???