Another restful day (when I say restful I mean a day without beads trading is hard work!!!
) … walked by myself to the market early in the morning and when i found it a bit long hopped on a put put!! Browsed the Ho market … it wasn’t market day so practically had the place to myself!!
Then walked back to the Marisel Hotel with a quick stop at the post office to check rates – postage has just gone through the roof! Browsed and sorted the beads. Later Dela picked me up and we had a great visit to Kekeli. Kekeli is a’ foundation with a mission to reduce stigmatization and ensure full inclusion of marginalized groups, including persons with intellectual disabilities, persons with cerebral palsy, cured lepers, etc., in Ghana by raising awareness, increasing educational opportunities, and training individuals to participate in economic activities’. Kekeli was started by Carrie Brown, a photographer from the States. I met her way back when i was volunteering for Village Exchange. The work she is doing is incredible. Please check out On the way back i saw a Termite Castle …. these etheral sights dot the country side!
Later on i went for supper with Dela’s family …. Martina makes an amazingly delicious Red Red and Fried Plantains … yum! With an ice cold beer to wash it down!!! We were entertained by the myriad goats strolling by and various chickens … who knew chickens slept in trees??? we saw a mother chicken scoot up this tree … and her chick was rushing around all worried. Mother chicken squawked instructions down at the young one for awhile … and finally it took a deep breath and scrambled up the tree!!!! Phew!!
Also right next door was the outlet for water that drains down from the mountain … and in the evening twilight the community was gathering water … the photos of the waterhole are by Dela !!! You see this everywhere in Ghana people walking sometimes for miles with big bowels of water sloshing over them … hope they do it on purpose to get cooled down!!! as they are walking in extreme heat. In most of the hotels i stay at it is a huge boon when water actual flows out of the shower in a good stream …and if it is hot? Wow! But it is usually cool which is delicious in the heat … As a Canadian i take water so for granted and here i am reminded what a precious thing it is…
….all in all a very good day!