Red Recycled Glass sm


SKU: 27rg_darkred-sm

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A strand of about 75 Polished Dark Red Recyled Glass Beads strung on string 23″ long. These beads are size 2 or about 8 mm round. The beads are handmade so will vary in colour, size and shape within the strand.

Tet, a Bead Maker in Accra with a very contempory leaning made these beads for Funky Frog. Usually Ghana’s recycled beads are quite rough, Tet Beads was the first place Funky Frog found these polished glass beads. Remember these beads are made by hand so each bead is polished individuallly. The polished beads come in 3 sizes and various colours. There are  sizes 1 (8 mm)  size 3 (10 mm)  and size 4 (12 mm).

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